Santa Fe Public Library

Interlibrary Loan Book Request Form

You may use the Tab button on your keyboard to move within the form.

Do you live in Santa Fe City limits or Santa Fe County?(required)

Pick material up at:(required)

By submitting an Interlibrary Loan form, you agree to return materials to the Santa Fe Public Library by the due date, and in the same condition in which you received them.

If you have any problems filling out an Interlibrary Loan form, please contact the Interlibrary Loan librarian by email at or phone (505) 955-6720.

  • Main Library

    145 Washington Avenue
    (505) 955-6781

  • Oliver La Farge Branch

    1730 Llano Street
    (505) 955-4862

  • Southside Branch

    6599 Jaguar Drive
    (505) 955-2820