Santa Fe Public Library

Library Updates


Posted by jmgulliford on



Kids’ History of Hiphop with Oriana Lee
Celebrate Black History Month with local artist and educator, Oriana Lee, who breaks down the history of Hiphop.
Saturday, February 8 | 2:00PM – 3:00PM | Community Room at Southside Library
Saturday, February 15 | 2:00PM – 3:00PM | Community Room at Main Library
Saturday, February 22 | 11:00AM – 12:00PM | Community Room at La Farge Library


The Power of Indignation: Richard Wright, Black American Novelist
Darryl Lorenzo Wellington recreates the life and times of preeminent Black novelist, Richard Wright. Richard Wright (1908-1960), the author of the novel Native Son (1940) and the autobiography Black Boy (1945) pioneered an influential school of protest literature. Registration required for this event.
Saturday, February 8 | 2:00PM – 3:00PM | Community Room at Main Library


The Pre-Civil War Complicated Lives of People of African Descent
Join Professor Sherri Burr, the author of Complicated Lives: Free Blacks in Virginia, 1619-1865, for a discussion on how the arrival of Africans changed the Virginia colony and the country into a multi-racial community where legal rights were advanced and restricted. Registration required for this event.
Saturday, February 22 | 11:00AM – 12:00 | Community Room at Main Library


Afrofuturism with Santa Fe Prep
Breshaun Joyner’s Afrofuturism Honors class presents a curated pop-up museum inspired by exhibits at the Met and Museum of African American History and Culture. The Afrofuturism pop-up museum includes exhibits, an original choreographed dance, and an artist talk.
Friday, February 28 | 4:00PM – 4:45PM | Community Room at Main Library


“Santa Fe Resident Too” Film Screening and Discussion
Santa Fe Resident Too is a poignant micro-documentary that sheds light on the life and reflections of James Butler, a retired opera singer, while exploring the issue of historical racism in opera.
Friday, February 28 | 4:45PM – 5:30PM | Community Room at Main Library

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Black History Reading Challenge / Desafío de lectura de Historia Negra

Posted by jmgulliford on

Adults and teens are invited to participate in the Library’s Black History Reading Challenge!

Sponsored by Friends of the Santa Fe Public Library.

Black History Reading Challenge

Challenge yourself to read and learn more this Winter and enter the raffle for a chance to win great prizes!

Reading Challenge begins on January 20, 2025.

Deadline to submit your entry is March 8, 2025.

Pick up the Reading Challenge at any SFPL location or find it online HERE!

Black History Reading Challenge

January – March 2025

RULES: To participate, complete 3 reading challenges or double your chances of winning by completing all reading challenges.

Read in any format (book, ebook, audiobook, etc.).

Need help finding an appropriate title? Visit a Librarian for reading suggestions or email us at

PRIZES: Participants will be put in a raffle to win prizes. 15 winners will receive a new copy of Four Hundred Souls by Ibram X. Kendi (Editor), Keisha N. Blain (Editor). Grand prize winner will receive a $50 gift certificate for Jambo Cafe. Special prizes are thanks to the Friends of the Santa Fe Public Library.

To enter, bring in your completed challenge to a librarian at SFPL. You may also scan or take a photo of your completed challenge and email to

Deadline: March 8, 2025


Desafío de lectura de Historia Negra

¡Adultos y adolescentes están invitados a participar en el Desafío de Lectura de Historia Negra de la Biblioteca!

Patrocinado por Friends of the Santa Fe Public Library.

Desafío de lectura de Historia Negra

¡Desafíate a leer y aprender más este invierno y participa en el sorteo para tener la oportunidad de ganar grandes premios!

El Desafío de Lectura comienza el 20 de enero de 2025.

La fecha límite para enviar su inscripción es el 8 de marzo de 2025.

¡Recoja el Desafío de Lectura en cualquier ubicación de SFPL o encuéntrelo en línea AQUÍ!



Desafío de lectura de Historia Negra

Enero – marzo 2025

REGLAS: Para participar, complete 3 retos de lectura o duplique sus posibilidades de ganar completando todos los retos.

Lea en cualquier formato (libro, libro electrónico o “ebook”, audiolibro, etc.).

¿Necesita ayuda para encontrar el libro apropiado? Visite a un bibliotecario para que le sugiera lecturas o envíenos un correo electrónico a

PREMIOS: Los participantes entrarán en una rifa para ganar premios. 15 ganadores recibirán un ejemplar nuevo de Cuatrocientas almas de Ibram X. Kendi (editor) y Keisha N. Blain (editora). El ganador del gran premio recibirá un certificado de regalo de $50 para Jambo Cafe.

Para participar, presente su reto completado a un bibliotecario de la Biblioteca Pública de Santa Fe (SFPL). También puede escanear o tomar una foto de su reto completado y enviarlo por correo electrónico a

Fecha límite: 8 de marzo de 2025

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    (505) 955-6781

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    (505) 955-4862

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    (505) 955-2820